Friday, June 12, 2009

La Esquina pt.2

Alright, here is my piece that I sold.

"Danza De Nigredo"

The following are all detail shots...

Well that concludes pt 2.
Like I said befor, it was a great show with alot of amazing art and cool people.
Can't wait for next year.

Rudy M.

La Esquina pt.1

Well I finally got some pictures from the ComUNIDAD show last firday.
These are pics of some of my favorit pieces of the night.

Jenny Mendez peice, I love the colors and the milagors she used.

This is a sweet ass installation by Luke Rocha

(detail of instalaltion)

Another pieces from Luke.

Piece by an artist named Rocky who I met that night.

Jessica Manco's piece, sexy aint it.

Piece by Adolfo Martinez.

Brandon's peice.

EZ's piece, that kid gots dem skills.

My favorit 3D peice in the show. Brava!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Yeah Yeah Yeahs!

Some pics from the YYY show.
They were pretty fucking amazing!

That was a sweet ass mask.

I didn't shoot this, but wanted to share it.
There couldn't have been a better opening than that.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

blah blah blah blah...

...nothing too improtant to say today.
Just thought I would share these videos with you all. (Or just to the one person who visits.)
This one is going out to you!!!

Rainbow Arabia "Let Them Dance" Music Video from Jacqueline Castel on Vimeo.

If only all war could be faught with glitter and paint.

Genghis Tron - Recursion from Neue Modern on Vimeo.

So, I was a show this past friday.
And I must say it was wonderful.
It was an honor being able to be in a show with artist that have been in this game for a while now.
And lets not forget the new up and coming talent. My friends Brandon G. and E.Z. were also ft. in the show. Great job guys.
What could have made the expience better??? .... I sold my piece! Aaaand I went to Denny's afterwards!
I dont have a pic of my piece but I will def' try and get one befor it goes off with its new owner.
Well thats enough of my chatter.
Untill next time, keep it real.
