Friday, September 25, 2009

Sesthetic Apectrum???

Ok, so my show is next week. I have all my pieces done!
Here is some info...
Date: Friday, Oct 2
Time: 5pm-8pm
Location: 1522 Holmes
I hope you can make it down. Support your local artist.

My work station...

And heres a little peak at what I've been working on...

"When the night it cold, I'll knit you a soul..."
7in x 7in

...and I leave you all with this wonderful video. Enjoy.

Luv luv,
Rudy Marron

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What eva!

First off, I have a show coming up in soon. Its going to be at 15th and Holmes, Oct 2nd. I'll have more info soon...

I have fallen in love with this band, they're called Former Ghosts. This band is the love child of Freddy Rupert(of This Song Is A Mess But So Am I), Jamie Stewart(from Xiu Xiu), and Nika Roza(of Zola Jesus).
I recomend giving them a listen. Fa sho.

(here is Hold On, their first single off of "Fluers")
Hold On

This is a video I stumbled upon.
Cute, huh?

Reulf from Charlesque on Vimeo.

And this is a still from a Japanese nunsploitation film. Theres adultrey, murder, torture and lesbian nuns.
What more do I have to say?

